Tuesday, July 5, 2011


You may be thinking to yourself...what the heck is wrong with her. She must be tired and mis-spelled the title of this post. Well, truth is I AM tired. Packing and a sick kid have killed my sleep the past few nights, but my title was intentional. BasketHoop, this is what Birk calls basketball, the basketball hoop and anything associated w/ basetball. Because I love that he calls it this I decided I should try to blog and document some of the cute twins 'isms' and how funny some words that they say are. So here we go.

Yi - Cy (for the Cyclones)
BasketHoop - Basketball
Baseeeeball - Baseball
Amboolence - Ambulance
Ass-ta-not -- Astronaut
Milt - Milk (Birk used to call it this)
Melk - Milk (Addy used to call it this)
Begtables- Vegetables (this is one of my favorites)
Jake and Pirates - Jake and the Pirates
Aunt JuJu - Aunt Julie
Aunt Joby - Aunt Jodi
Whitey - Aunt Whitney
TT - Teegan
Bompa - Grandpa Robertson
Bomps - Grandpa Birks

Other cute things that take place on a daily basis in our home:
Addy: "Birky, want to sit down?" "OK." (as she is leaning down and puts her face right in front of his face.
Birk: "Baserip." (as he pitches the ball to his daddy)
Mommy: "Addy, where does your Bomps live?" Addy: "With Jesus."

I want to try and wrap these moments up in a vault and look back at them as the twins keep getting older and more grown up. Hopefully I can come back to this post and smile as I remember the uniquness and beauty that Birk and Addy bring! :-)