Monday, October 21, 2013


Wow, this feels weird.  Typing an actual blog that isn't just a dump of pictures or typed from my phone.  I feel like I must have some extra time on my hands or something?!?!  Regardless,  I thought I would tell you all how school is going for the twins.  We are all LOVING it so far.  When I ask Birk what his favorite thing about Preschool he tells me 'I really like my friends Garrett and Arthur.  Oh and I love to play dress up.'  Addy tells me 'Um, I like going on field trips, and when Mommy comes to visit our school.'   Mommy loves all the learning that is happening and how much Birk and Addy are growing up socially.  They are making friends, learning rules and getting to experience so much that I could never show them (or that they would learn at daycare).  Here are some fun facts about Preschool.

THey attend Northeast Elementary
Miss Jenny is their teacher, and Miss Julie is the helper
They go from 8:15 - 10:45 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
They rode a bus for the first time on 10/21/13
They are good listeners and love doing good things and making Miss Jenny and Miss Julie proud.
They love Outdoor Learning (playing on the playground).

I hope the rest of the year is as productive and FUN as the first 2-3 months have been.  The twins are loving it and I'm so excited to see what each day brings for them.