Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Month of Thankfulness

Well I failed miserably and posting throughout November on ALL THE THINGS I’m thankful for. I even failed on facebook …. However I am so very thankful for SO MUCH in my life that I thought I would take time on this Monday morning to make a list of the things that I am so grateful for!

Let’s do this David Letterman Style…

Top 10 things Jenny Robertson is thankful!

10. I have a beautiful home that I get to decorate for each holiday, tuck my kids in each night, cook our family meals, host holiday celebrations and create many years of memories.

9. I am thankful for the group of friends that I have. I have some of the most amazing girlfriends a girl could ask for, we have a solid group of couple friends that bring us so much joy and we have so much fun with and for the last 3 years I’ve met some amazing moms who I have become very close friends with.

8. That I have a job that I feel valued at, that I feel like I could be good at and that helps me support my family in the way I want to. That my kids have a hot meal to eat, they have warm beds, and they have fun toys and things for us to do! There are days I wish I could stay home, but knowing what I am providing for them by working (and providing myself) brings me great joy!

7. That I can run. Running is a drug for me. I get such a runners high after a great run. I love that I feel better, eat better, my clothes fit better when I am actively running. I also love that my kids are getting to a good age that I can run while they play in the basement or soon they can ride their bikes while I go for an outside run.

6. I am thankful to have married a wonderful man who has given me a wonderful 2nd family.

5. I am thankful for Diet Mountain Dew (fountain pop). Enough said on that one.

4. I am thankful for my iPad and Netflix. I know it may seem dumb, but it has gotten me through some pretty boring runs on my treadmill. For that, I’m thankful!

3. I am thankful for music. I love music in so many forms. I love to play piano, watch my husband play drums and guitar, watch my children sing and dance, sing as loud as I can in the van and just the feeling I get when I hear a song that moves me. Music is such a blessing to our family.

2. I am thankful for my kids. I am so blessed to have them in my life, to be their Mommy and watch them grow up. There are days that are so very hard and challenging (especially at 3 years old), but the good days outnumber the bad and it makes every moment worth it!

1. I am so very thankful that I have God who loves me unconditionally, forgives me for my wrong doings and still blesses me in so many ways that I can’t even begin to count.

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