Monday, February 13, 2012

Pajama Day

After a weekend of sickness in our house and a call from our daycare provider that she was going to be closed due to sickness today I made the decision with the kids...that today was OFFICIALLY PAJAMA DAY!

We got our breakfast of cereal, milk, and banana's and hunkered down in the living room under our cozy blankets, in our PJ's and started watching some Mickey Mouse Club.  While I would trade quite a bit right now to not be constantly wiping cruddy noses, all of our coughing, my congestion and sore throat, and a voice since I lost mine on Friday, for health in our family....the sweet cuddling is pretty awesome.

I sure hope when the twins are older this is one thing they remember.  While I "should" be at work as I'm super busy....I hope they know and remember that this was more important to me.  To snuggle together until we all feel better.  To also take a day where it doesn't matter if you get our of your PJ's.  To take time to do the important things like relax, play all day and spend time together.

P.S.  The only thing missing is Daddy.  He braved the icy roads and headed into the office!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a cuddle day with the kiddos...we had that kind of a weekend at our house too feeling the crud!
