Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day Week Day 2 ~~

Day of of my Mothers Day Week blog series!!!  :-) 

I have to admit I was in the shower this morning getting ready for work and I was thinking to myself, "what am I going to write about today?"   I got the kids in the car and off we went to start our typical Monday routine.   On the way to daycare each morning I get the privilage of having some wonderful conversations with my 3 year olds.  It was as I was getting on I35 to head south that I realized THIS IS WHAT I'M GOING TO WRITE ABOUT TODAY!   So, here you go!

Conversations with Children.

What a blessing, confusing mess, frustrating, hilarious, sad and wonderful thing to experience.  I cannot say it enough that I love talking to Birk and Addy.  We could be talking about what color my shirt is, to how Jesus died on the cross and it is by far some of my favorite moments of the day.  The conversation can go from a deep intellectual conversaton to the funniest thing ever!  I know I've tried to blog about funny things they've said, and stories we've had... but in general they do such a good job of opening my eyes to their innocence and their thirst for more and more as they get older. 

On this topic I decided to do some reserach into having conversations with children.  I thought I was going to find links to those emails we all get where children answer a series of questions and their responses are beyond precious (like, how God made moms).  What I found was just how CRUCIAL it is for parents to talk to their children.  To engage in conversations with them.  Ask them questions, get their opinions, value those opinions and give them the ability to be their own person.  While I have always known this is important and this is what you should was awesome for me to again see this perspective.  I kept thinking all morning how lucky I am to be a mom and get to have these conversations, but now I see that it is also one of those important jobs every parent has.  For example; read this exerpt from an article I found:
Quality of Conversations

The way some parents talk teaches children about language, although they may not realize it. Called "incidental teaching," this occurs when a parent responds to a topic introduced by the child, and then prompts the child to elaborate or relate the topic to other words and experiences. The "teaching" concludes when the parent expresses appreciation of the child’s use of language. These brief, but frequent encouragements help children learn.

Other parents may not make the most of the teaching opportunities offered by conversations with their child. These parents may discourage the child from practicing language skills by talking at, rather than with, the child or by stopping or correcting the child too often. Frequent prohibitions limit a child’s opportunities to learn words and to explore the world they describe.

Quantity of Conversations

The frequency of parent/child interactions can expand the positive or negative impact on learning. Frequent, positive talking during everyday activities exposes children to more words and expressions, and more chances to practice and receive approval. Children who are often discouraged from speaking or exploring will limit themselves and their growth.


So I challenge each of you (or the 12 of you reading) go home tonight and have a conversation with your child. 

Ask them questions, listen to what they have to say.... and savor every moment of it. 
Happy Mother's Day Week! 

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