Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My hopes for this blog

So after reading several of my friends blogs I've decided that I need to be better about this.  I want to be able to look back on this and remember these precious moments that are more of less fleeting from our lives.  I want to savor what things felt like (good and bad) and laugh at the funny stories that we are encountering. the hopes of accomplishing this I've decided to organize my daily (I'm being pretty hopeful here) blogs.

Monday - Mommy's Maniac Mondays
A collection of my thoughts, rants, fears and just the everyday thoughts that go through my head.  (NOTE: Read at your own risk)

Tuesday -  2's day
The blessings of having twins.  Experiences and stories that might warm your heart, make you giggle or feel thankful you don't have 2 kiddo's the same age!  :-)
Wednesday - Wordless Wednesday
OR like Nick wants me to call it "Worthless Wednesday" since I won't be writing on this day, but rather hopefully posting pictures or videos.

Thursday - Tune Thursday
We will share our favorite song or lyrics to our favorite song on Thursdays.  We do a lot of singing.  We sing in the car, the house, the dinner fact anywhere and everywhere.

Friday - Favorites Friday
Some of our favorite moments from the week.

Saturday - Sum it up Saturday
You will find I have a little bit of everything and a little bit of nothing to share on Saturdays.

Sunday - SONday
In our own way we want to spend time thanking and giving praise to God.  What better day than SONday?

So there you go.  :-)  Thanks for stopping by!

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