Sunday, December 18, 2011

We are blessed

It was an amazing reunion between Birk and Addy.  They got to the hospital last night about 20 minutes before visiting hours were over, but we just couldn't bear not having her come up to see us.  Birk had a great evening playing on the play mat and sitting in his high chair playing cars with his cousins Charlie and Gus.  My sister made a yummy dinner (home cooked meals are the BEST!!!!), and we just at around and visited.  What a welcomed relief from the PICU where Nick and I only really had each other to talk to.  After dinner and play time, however, Birk was exhausted.  He fell asleep in my arms and when Addy came up we gave hugs, talked a few minutes and she headed back to the hospital.

This morning she got back up here around 8:30.  The Child Life Specialist came in with her so if Addy had any questions or worries she would be able to help us explain to her and deal with those in a good way.  Birk and I were already up and playing on the floor so very quickly Addy joined us.  The smiles between these two were non stop.  Addy kept hugging Birk and at one point came up to him and said "I'm so excited to play with you."  MELT MY HEART!!!!!  Birk was smiling ear to ear as well.  They played hard with Charlie and Gus again for about 3 hours and then as all the kids were getting tired and my sister wanted to hit the road we decided to wind it down.

What an amazing experience to see the true bond between B & A.  I know I say they are the best of friends and I do see them play a lot together and always want to be together, but this morning was a true testament to that bond.  They are so happy to finally be back together.

I have this quote in a frame in our bathroom at home and I wanted to use this as my prayer today!

"Children make life perfect!"  Erma Bombeck

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