Saturday, December 24, 2011

There is no place like HOME!!!

And Home is IOWA!!!

Man, it feels good to be home.  We made it to Iowa in great time.  We decided that since we hadn't finished our Christmas shopping we would stop in Iowa City have some dinner and finish it up.  We stopped at Coralville Mall first and got a few things...then to dinner.  Birk had ordered Mac-n-cheese so we decided that we would stop at Steak and Shake.  After a quite delicious meal we headed to a few more stores almost finished our shopping and headed back on 80W.  We got home around 10pm.  Kids were both asleep.

We did B's med's quick and put them down.  It was an amazing feeling to watch Nick lay him back down in his bed, w/o a suction prior to bed.  He was EVER SO HAPPY to lay his head down on his pillow.  Praise God for allowing us to get home safely and in time for Christmas.

Bless everyone this wonderful time of year.  Bless your families, bless your time together.

We are all blessed because of the birth of Jesus.  Thank you Lord for the most wonderful gift I have ever eternal life with my King!

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

Luke 2:11 For unto us in the City of David a child is born...

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to your family! I have been following Birk's progress ever since your sister posted a link to your blog on FB. (I grew up with Matt!) I am so happy that you are all home! God bless!
